Thursday, June 2, 2016

Notes From The Sky

In a few minutes, we will be arrived in Jakarta

The flight attendant just broadcasted the usual announcement. It means I will breathe the polluted air in Jakarta again after one year. The same air you breathe. I am happy to see my family and friends again, expecting they have waited for me in the airport lounge. Hugging them will be the first thing to do, once I see them.

However, there is a small part of my heart that still wants you to be there too. I didn't say goodbye before escaped to other country. But you didn't come either. You didn't take me to the airport, give me one last hug, and let me go to the school I had dreamed about. Instead, I heard you were spending time with another girl by the time I left this country.

Jakarta... A lot of things had done there. Thank God, you were there. You were ready whenever I couldn't handle the fact that everyone was screaming out loud in this city. Patiently listened to my story about how a man in the bus pretended to sleep while a pregnant woman needed his seat. You promised to always be by my side. As you told me, I could come to you whenever I want. It was amazing that I had trusted you from the moment we met.

Unfortunately, everything had to fall in the end. I guessed the reason was because I fell for you. Falling for my best friend is the biggest mistake I've ever made. Especially when it is unrequited love. Today I feel grateful. This unfortunate event became a trigger to achieve my another dream, pursuing higher education abroad.

For one year, I have done very good. Meeting new friends, travelling to the amazing places, improving my analytical skills. I thought it would be okay when I return to Jakarta. But now I know it's not. The in-flight announcement just made me wonder what will happen when we finally see each other again after one year...

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