Sunday, June 5, 2016

History of Autumn

f you ever watch movie titled (500) Days of Summer, you will understand why I call him Mr. Autumn. I call him that way for two reasons. 

First, our first hello story. It is like the last scene of the movie. Tom Hansen meets a girl named Autumn, when he’s interviewed for a job in an office. Autumn is his competitor, but the ending implies that they are going to go out for coffee. Mr. Autumn and me are like them. We meet for the first time in a job interview, where he is my competitor. After my interview session finished, surprisingly Mr. Autumn is there. He offers me a cup of coffee.

“I don’t know what your favorite coffee is, so I assume it’s Flat White”

I smiled. I don’t drink coffee anymore. I used to. Until my doctor suggested me to avoid coffee, since I couldn’t handle stomachache. Whenever I sit in a coffee shop, tea is always my favorite beverage to order.

“Sorry, I don’t drink coffee”

He doesn’t insist. He gives it to the office boy who just walked to us.

“How was your interview? I think mine was good. Very good”, Mr. Autumn asks.
“ I think it was great. I’m sure I will be the chosen one for this job”.

He laughs.

“I’m sure I will beat you this time”, he says.

The conversation goes on for the next twenty minutes, while we walk to the gate. Finally he promises to treat me a cup of matcha latte -after I mentioned that I prefer tea than coffee- if I get this job. Getting this job means defeating him. I know I can make it. Not for a cup of  free matcha latte from Mr. Autumn, but for the sake of my future career.

Another reason why I call him Mr. Autumn is because two weeks before the interview I broke up with my boyfriend. We had been together for two years before decided to go in separate ways. There was no drama, but it’s still hurt. Just like how Tom Hansen meets Autumn after passed broken heart moment with Summer, I do the same with Mr. Autumn. When my ex is called Mr. Summer, the guy I met during interview must be called Mr. Autumn.

Tom Hansen suddenly moves on the day he meets Autumn. So do I. Although in my case it is not love at first sight, it turns to be love. However, I’ve moved on from Mr. Summer now. Perhaps I haven’t fallen in love with Mr. Autumn. But when he talks briefly about his dream to explore the world, I realize that my life doesn’t end by the time I broke up with Mr. Summer.

We are all allowed to feel sad, feel the broken heart. We are allowed to cry too when our relationship is over. But this moment shouldn’t go for a long time. The world offers us a lot of opportunities. The opportunity to meet a better man, and the opportunity to achieve our dream. This is exactly what I’m doing now.

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